

汽车和房子是我们的两大基本需求, 背靠背买的时候, 可能会导致负面后果.

如果你一直在考虑买房的话, it's important to do your research and know how the home-buying process works. Buying a house is one of the biggest purchases you’ll make in your lifetime. 贷款人知道这一点. That's why they take every detail into consideration before making the commitment to fund your home. They want to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can keep up with the expenses associated with home ownership. 当出借人查看你的财务记录时, it's 不 uncommon for past financial choices to come back to bite you, and possibly even prevent you from qualifying for a home loan.

It's for this very reason that purchasing a car before buying a home is a big no-no. Whether you’re looking to buy a 2020 Tesla Model S or a 2003 Chevy Silverado, an auto loan will affect your ability to purchase a house no matter what the amount.



你的债务收入比, 或DTI, plays a large role when qualifying for a 抵押贷款 because it more or less determines your buying power in the eyes of lenders.

Lenders calculate your DTI by measuring the difference between your income and your liability payments. “Liability” is a fancy word for debt you’re currently paying off, 比如学生贷款, 汽车贷款, 抵押贷款, 有担保和无担保个人贷款. The larger the gap is between your income and these liabilities, 你在贷款人看来就越值得信赖.

但这里有一个有趣的笔记. 如果你是第一次买房,有 专项贷款项目 这样你预付的钱就少了. This could be a great option if you're still saving or if you're paying for other big expenses, 像一辆车. 它不会改变你每月的按揭付款, 但它可能会让你买房更现实. 


需要明确的是,负债并不坏. 但它们确实揭示了你与金钱的关系. 您应该始终以尽可能低的DTI为目标 -不仅仅是为了获得你想要的房子 but to also ensure that you’re able to live comfortably while paying off your debts. The 联邦住房管理局 generally uses the 43% DTI ratio standard as a guideline for approving 抵押贷款. 但情况各不相同. 你会发现 一些贷款机构更灵活,而另一些则更死板, 这取决于房地产市场和经济状况.

在考虑你的资历时, lenders may 不 include installment debts like auto or student loans as part of your DTI if you’re close to paying them off. 而是多重高额债务, 比如汽车和房子, can signal to lenders that you’re in danger of overextending your finances because 不 only are you looking to borrow a large sum of money for a new home, but you are also adding a car loan to your monthly spending for the next three-to-six years. So, 如果你每月花450美元买一辆新车, lenders will use that payment to calculate how the liability will affect your ability to purchase a home. 可能看起来, 在承诺汽车贷款后, 你没有足够的钱买房子. Even if that’s 不 the case, it is something lenders have to take into consideration.


You’ll want to make sure your credit is in tip-top shape before you start the home buying process. Purchasing a new vehicle can negatively affect your credit score because your score will have to absorb both a 艰难的调查 and a new account, both of which will ding your score by five points or so. The truth is, car loans in good standing can boost your credit score over time. 但当你第一次购买时,既然 目前还没有与贷款相关的付款记录, 你的分数可能会下降. 这就是为什么如果你想尽快购买新房, you should hold off on buying a vehicle as it could temporarily hurt your credit score.

To get your home buying journey started on the right foot, we recommend you first visit www.annualcreditreport.com and review copies of your credit report from the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, 益百利, and TransUnion) at least 90 days before you plan to apply for a 抵押贷款.

Here are some proactive ways to keep your credit score in good condition:

  • 每次都要按时支付账单.
  • 避免将余额转到新信用卡上.
  • 保持信用卡畅通,定期使用. 使用时间越长越好.
  • Pay down your debt and keep a low balance on your credit cards.

If you're looking to make big purchases but you're wanting to keep your credit card balance low, consider saving for a few months to purchase those big-ticket items. bat365到达那里 提供“60天省钱1000公里”的挑战, 它有一个可下载的储蓄跟踪器, 容易遵循储蓄计划, 还有机会赢得额外的1美元,000! 



如果你急需一辆新车, you may have to bite the bullet and just deal with the consequences. If it’s possible to pay cash for the vehicle, then by all means, do that.

在一天结束的时候, the best approach is to wait until you have keys to your new house before buying a car.

不过我还是要提醒你. You may feel tempted to head over to the dealership as soon as you have your 抵押贷款 approval documents in hand. 这是 是时候重新开始借钱了.

为什么? Because many lenders audit your file in the days leading up to closing. If your score drops during that time, your 抵押贷款 rate could increase. Or even worse, your lender could withdraw the offer completely. Hold off on new borrowing until the check clears, and 不 a minute sooner.


Our team is so passionate about home buying that we wrote a full how-to guide highlighting the need-to-know information associated with every step of the home buying journey. Download a free copy of "The Complete Guide to Buying the 首页 You Love".

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