

A great vacation doesn't have to involve flying or traveling across the country. 当你想到你的暑假, consider an affordable road trip to nearby locations you may have overlooked.

我们最近采访了Buddy Boe, executive director of the River Parishes Tourist Commission and former senior advisor and communications director for the Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana, to discuss the most budget-friendly day trips "the boot" has to offer. 在这次聊天中, Buddy took questions from viewers and offered insider tips on how to plan a great vacation without breaking the bank.

观看完整的Q&A video below or keep scrolling to read the condensed version.




When you think Louisiana tourism, the city of New Orleans naturally comes to mind for many. But if I wanted to venture out and see more of what our state has to offer, where do you recommend I start and how much money would I need to make it happen?


的 average hotel room rate for a moderately priced hotel in Louisiana right now is about $76 a night. 这是平均值. 如果你想为你的家人计划一个为期三天的旅行, 售价150 - 175美元, 你在酒店订了两个晚上的房间. 之后就看你的预算了.

For people who want to take a $1,000 to $1,500 weekend trip, I suggest visiting LAriverparishes.com 浏览他们列出的2-3天的样本行程. 列出的活动中约有三分之一是免费的. 我们有几条自行车道. 我们有几条步道. We have several outdoor spaces and recreational areas that are completely free.

我们所有的景点都价格适中, 每人10到25美元不等, 这取决于你想去的景点. 有很好的餐厅 Ormand种植园 在Destrehan和路边烹饪 愚蠢的的熏制房 在lule. You can stay three days in the river parishes and spend less than $1,000.

秋葵集团 compiled a great list of itineraries stretching across the 10 parishes inside of Southeast Louisiana. If you're located anywhere in the toe of the boot or the middle of the boot, 其中许多地点只有一两个小时的路程. 

如果你想更进一步, Louisianatravel.com 涵盖了整个州的度假胜地. You could easily spend hours looking at all the attractions they have listed. 

或者,保持简单,坚持走弯路. Louisiana has a ton of scenic byways — each with its own unique charm.




Toledo Bend is home to many parks, golf and fishing resorts, marinas and scenic views.

图片由 flickr / Jarrel Jimmerson.


What budget-friendly trips do you recommend for a larger family?


如果你想省钱, I recommend taking advantage of places you can drive to with a car or RV. 我们在路易斯安那州有很多露营地. 我们有很多州立公园,你可以把房车停在那里, 而且我们的成本很低, but high-quality hotels along all of our interstates and major highways throughout the state.

至于目的地:充分利用博物馆. 他们几乎遍布整个州的每个小镇. 你可能已经开车经过他们而没有注意到. 例如,这里有 河路非裔美国人博物馆 在唐纳森维尔 小甜甜布兰妮博物馆 在肯特伍德和 意大利文化博物馆 在独立.

历史悠久的河间地基督教中心 in Reserve tells the story of a church built just for African Americans after segregation ended, and the impact of those that were enslaved on the musical history and musical genres of today. 每人不到15美元, you can fill an afternoon and let your kids learn about black history, civil rights history and music history all in one destination.

Whether your family has a $500 budget, or a $5,000 budget, our state has something for everybody. From the five-star Ritz 车lton in New Orleans to a houseboat in the Atchafalaya Swamp Basin, 路易斯安那州到处都有奇妙的体验.

假设你想要奢华一点,在 Nottoway种植园. 就在20号高速公路上 Spuddy的Cajun烹饪体验 where ol' Spuddy teaches you how to make a roux, gumbo and jambalaya. 你的衣服会闻起来像烟熏和炖肉. 这是伟大的!



You can find romantic getaways in Natchitoches, downtown Saint Francisville, Thibodaux and Lafayette. Find a really nice bed and breakfast, stay there, walk around those historic towns and truly escape.




如果你想要更多的冒险, 在州立公园租个小木屋, 或者去网上买一个便宜的帐篷,在星空下睡觉. 生营火, 带全麦饼干, marshmallows and chocolate — you've got a s'mores date with your loved one. 你不需要飞到田纳西或丹佛去. 我们州的北部很美. 这些山真是美极了. 的 Kisatchie国家森林 is a federally protected national forest where you can go camp for the night or the weekend.

皮划艇之旅怎么样 湖马丁 日落时分,鸟儿在空中飞翔. That's about as romantic as you can get in the United States — and it exists a simple two-and-a-half-hour drive from where I'm sitting right now in the River Parishes.

For a night out, you could go to the casinos in Lake Charles, Shreveport, Baton Rouge or New Orleans. A lot of those hotel rooms are reasonably priced and it's a destination in and of itself.

Is it cheaper to book rooms online or call hotels directly to book with a live person?


I think the discount is going to come through tour operator companies like 越过河口之旅 that curate travel packages for you, because they've already done the negotiating. 否则, what's available online is typically the discounted rates that all of these online platforms have negotiated.

折扣就在那里. 每一个目的地, 每一个景点, every lodging partner is hungry for business and ready to host visitors.

If you need a break, start by looking at all the great destinations our state has to offer. 的y need your business; they need your support. 的y need the headcounts coming through their door to stay open. 走出去,留下美好的回忆. I guarantee you, our hospitality and tourism industry will welcome you with open arms.


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